Entretien de votre vélo : les erreurs courantes à éviter

Prendre soin de son vélo est essentiel pour garantir une expérience de conduite sécurisée et prolonger la durée de vie de votre deux-roues. Que vous utilisiez votre vélo quotidiennement ou occasionnellement, un bon entretien permet de prévenir les pannes et de maintenir des performances optimales. Découvrez ici les erreurs d’entretien les plus fréquentes et des astuces de pros pour garder votre vélo en parfait état.

1. Négliger le nettoyage régulier

L’un des plus grands ennemis de votre vélo est la saleté. Poussière, boue, sable et autres débris s’accumulent rapidement sur les différentes pièces du vélo, entraînant une usure prématurée, en particulier sur la chaîne et les dérailleurs.

  • Conseil : Nettoyez votre vélo régulièrement, surtout si vous roulez sur des chemins boueux ou sablonneux. Utilisez une brosse douce et de l’eau savonneuse, et évitez les nettoyeurs haute pression, qui peuvent endommager les composants sensibles comme les roulements. Un petit nettoyage après chaque sortie prolonge la durée de vie des pièces et maintient les performances.

2. Oublier de lubrifier la chaîne

Une chaîne sèche est non seulement bruyante mais peut aussi provoquer une usure plus rapide de la transmission. Cependant, l’excès de lubrifiant peut attirer la poussière, provoquant l’effet inverse.

  • Conseil : Lubrifiez la chaîne tous les 100 à 150 km, ou dès qu’elle commence à faire du bruit. Appliquez une petite quantité de lubrifiant spécifique pour chaîne, faites tourner les pédales quelques fois pour répartir l’huile, puis essuyez l’excédent avec un chiffon propre. 

3. Ne pas vérifier la pression des pneus

Des pneus mal gonflés augmentent la résistance au roulement et rendent la conduite inconfortable. Une pression insuffisante expose également vos pneus à un risque accru de crevaison.

  • Conseil : Vérifiez la pression des pneus avant chaque sortie, en fonction des recommandations inscrites sur le flanc du pneu. Des pneus bien gonflés augmentent l’efficacité de la pédale et réduisent le risque de crevaison. Adaptez la pression en fonction du terrain : plus basse pour le tout-terrain, plus élevée pour la route.

4. Ne pas aligner ou entretenir les freins

Les freins sont cruciaux pour votre sécurité, mais ils s’usent avec le temps et doivent être ajustés régulièrement. Un frein mal réglé ou des patins usés peuvent causer une perte de puissance de freinage, compromettant votre sécurité.

  • Conseil : Examinez l’usure des patins de frein et vérifiez que le freinage est bien centré. Si vous utilisez des freins à disque, assurez-vous que les plaquettes et les disques sont en bon état. Chez Joe Bike, nos techniciens peuvent réaliser une révision complète pour garantir des freins parfaitement ajustés.

5. Ne pas ajuster les dérailleurs

Les dérailleurs permettent de changer de vitesse en douceur. Un mauvais réglage peut entraîner des changements de vitesse brusques ou un bruit constant qui nuit à la qualité de conduite.

  • Conseil : Si vous avez du mal à changer de vitesse ou que les vitesses sautent, c’est peut-être que votre dérailleur est mal aligné. Un ajustement des vis de butée ou de la tension du câble peut résoudre le problème. Pour un réglage précis, un passage en atelier peut être nécessaire, surtout si vous n’avez pas l’outil adéquat.

6. Oublier le serrage des éléments du vélo

Un vélo est composé de nombreuses pièces vissées, et certaines d’entre elles peuvent se desserrer au fil du temps, surtout si vous roulez fréquemment sur des chemins accidentés.

  • Conseil : Vérifiez régulièrement le serrage des éléments comme les pédales, les roues, la potence, le cintre et la selle. Un contrôle rapide avec une clé dynamométrique vous assurera un serrage optimal sans risquer de casser les pièces en les serrant trop fort.

Prêt à faire entretenir votre vélo ?

Que vous soyez cycliste occasionnel ou passionné, prendre soin de votre vélo est essentiel pour assurer des performances optimales et une conduite agréable. Passez nous voir chez Joe Bike pour tous vos besoins en entretien, de la révision basique à la réparation complète. Nos techniciens qualifiés vous aideront à prolonger la durée de vie de votre vélo et à rouler en toute sécurité.

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Electric bike hire in Hossegor

Address: ZA Pédebert, 119 avenue des Tisserands, 40150 Soorts-Hossegor
Tel: 05 58 41 75 41
Mail : contact@joebike.fr
All year round :  - Tuesday to Friday, 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. - Saturday, 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.
IN SEASON :  7 days a week from 9.30am to 12.30pm and from 2.30pm to 7pm

Right in the heart of the Pedebert ZA and surf-related factory shops, the Joe Bike Soorts Hossegor bike shop is a bike hire agency, repair workshop and bike shop all rolled into one. A must for your cycling holidays in the Landes!
See our dedicated page: Bike hire Hossegor

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You will be redirected to our partner in Basque country in 3 seconds:
Lilou's wheels

Through the pine forest


Explore the pine forests of the Landes via Seignosse, Hossegor and Capbreton.
We set off from Lac d'Hossegor in the direction of Seignosse, turning quickly onto roads through the forest.
We join up with some lovely paths and forest tracks to head back down towards the market town of Soorts and then straight on to Capbreton.
Once we're in Capbreton, we'll head slowly back towards Lac d'Hossegor along the cycle paths.

Distance: 33.5km
Type of outing : Mountain bike
Difference in altitude: 198D+.

A walk through the pines


From the Joe Bike shop, we leave the car park and head left along the cycle path towards Soorts.
We're heading towards Hossegor, and at the supermarket we cross the road and then the car park to get behind the supermarket.
Once behind us, we can begin the climb leading directly onto all the forest tracks.
At the end of the route, watch out for the sandy descent leading straight back to the main road.

Distance: 8km
Type of outing : Mountain bike
Difference in altitude: 60D+.

As the water flows


Leaving the Pins Tranquilles car park, we take the road alongside the Etiquette restaurant, on the way to Lac d'Hossegor.
We continue straight ahead to reach Parc Rosny. Once we reach Parc Rosny, we turn right to join the road alongside the lake. We skirt part of the lake before forking right to reach Super Hossegor. Be careful on the way up, but there's an extraordinary view from the top. On the way back, we continue around the lake before reaching the beautiful district on the other side of the lake. There are many breathtaking villas. Finally, we set off together to breathe in the sea air and discover a rather pleasant square, from which you might be lucky enough to see some dolphins. We return quietly to the car park, following the cycle path that leads to the Canal d'Hossegor bridge.

Distance: 10km
Type of outing: VTC

Discover the trails


Nice loop in the forest starting from the Joe Bike shop in the Pédebert area. Sporting and fun

Distance: 16km
Type of outing : Mountain bike
Difference in altitude: 270D+.

Between Land and Sea


Discover some of the wonders of the Landes region.
We start by skirting the port of Capbreton before heading through part of the pine forest towards Labenne.
At Labenne, we join the Marais d'Orx nature reserve for an exceptional crossing.
We continue along the road towards Angresse and then Soorts.
We join the Soorts cycle path, skirting the Hossegor golf course before returning to the port of Capbreton.

Distance: 35.9km
Type of outing : Road bike

A gentle discovery in the forest


Lovely mountain bike loop in the Seignosse woods, on a track with good access.
From the Etang Noir Nature Reserve car park, we set off in the direction of the reserve house, but we stayed on the road.
On our left is the entrance to a forest track, which we take.
We continue through the forest on a carriage road for the whole loop.
We cross the road to join the route on the north side of the forest.
We return to the start car park via the route des étangs.

Distance: 7.8km
Type of outing : Mountain bike
Difference in altitude: 80D+.

Between the Ponds


Beautiful mountain bike loop in the woods near the Seignosse ponds. Enjoy the calm and beauty of the surroundings. There are plenty of Tucs to give you a sense of height. From the Etang Noir Nature Reserve car park, we set off in the direction of the reserve house, but we stay on the road.
We take the route des étangs on our right, following it until we enter the forest not far from the CCAS holiday village. We take this path as far as the crossroads with the road, where we continue straight on to get closer to the Etang Blanc. Arriving at the white pond, we have a magnificent view of the Tonnes (hunter's hut, used for duck hunting).
We then return to the deeper forest paths. We stay on this path to reach the village.

Distance: 7km
Type of outing : Mountain bike
Difference in altitude: 90D+.

Bicyclette club


We set off from the Etang Noir nature reserve car park, heading for Seignosse Le Penon.
We follow Seignosse Océan from north to south to reach Lac d'Hossegor. Once in Hossegor, we make the loop around Lac d'Hossegor, which takes us to some beautiful viewpoints.
It's a nice little break, before heading back down from the Hydrangea du Lac area.
Once back down, we take the lakeside road back to Soorts Bourg.
From Soorts, we head back towards Seignosse Bourg to complete our outing.

Distance: 22km
Type of outing : Road bike
Difference in altitude: 110D+.

Bicyclette club - Revenge


We set off from Seignosse bourg to complete a loop between Seignosse and Soustons. We start our route in Seignosse, heading towards Soustons.
On our way, we first follow the cycle path to Vieux Boucau, then turn right to join the cycle path to Soustons, through the forest.
Once in Soustons, we take the Etang d'Hardy road to Seignosse.
On the way back, we pass by Hardy pond, then White pond and Black pond.
We reach the town of Seignosse.

Distance: 27km
Type of outing : VTC & gravel
Difference in altitude: 148D+.

Iodine discovery


This beautiful return itinerary is ideal for exploring the Etang de Léon, close to the Etang d'Huchet.

Accessible mainly via the velodyssée

Distance: 21km
Type of outing : VTC & Gravel



NEW PRICE : 4699 €


Reseller : JOE BIKE Saint-Lary / Pyrenees 

INFO AND BOOKING : 06 38 12 38 73

PORTRAIT : The Shore 2 has evolved on some of the most unforgiving trails on the planet. It uses Norco's Ride Aligned™ design system and the latest breakthroughs in suspension and engineering to create the ultimate freeride and big obstacle bike.

Technical Data : NORCO SHORE 2

Contact form
Bike, mountain bike and electric bike hire agency in Chatel Guyon

Address: 8 avenue des Etats-Unis, 63140 CHATEL-GUYON
Mail : contact@levelodrome.fr

Low season (6 Nov to 5 April) :
Tuesday to Saturday, 9am-1pm and 2pm-6pm
(excluding annual closure, dates to be confirmed)

Mid-season (Easter to All Saints' Day, excluding July/August)
from 29/04/2023 to 30/06/2023 and from 04/09/2023 to 05/11/2023
Tuesday to Sunday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.

High season (July/August)
from 01/07/2023 to 03/09/2023
7 days a week, from 9am to 7pm

in Châtel-Guyon, 20km north of Clermont-Ferrand, 10min from Riom.

The JOE BIKE shop is in the town centre, at 8 avenue des Etats- Unis (following on from avenue Baraduc, Châtel-Guyon's main street).
There are plenty of car parks nearby for easy parking.



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Guided walks / Supervision

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05 61 02 96 70
06 38 12 38 73
05 62 99 65 22
05 62 92 65 00
MTB, DH, Enduro at Luz saint sauveur

Address: 8 Pl. du 8 Mai, 65120 Luz-Saint-Sauveur
Tel: 05 62 92 80 22
Mail : contactluz@joebike.fr
IN SEASON : 7 days a week from 8am to 7pm non-stop

Location : Electric mountain bikes, electric road bikes, junior electric mountain bikes, road bikes, enduro mountain bikes, downhill mountain bikes, cross-country mountain bikes, children's mountain bikes, protection pack.
Bike brands : Moustache bikes, Trek, Scott, Commencal, Sunn, Norco, Mondraker
Textiles : Maloja, Ion, Nakamura
accessories : Lezyne, muc-off, peatys, zefal, crank brother, six pack, Shimano, Sram, manitou, maxxis, michelin, var, vittoria, break authority, e-thirteen, continental and many others.



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Guided walks / Supervision

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Textiles and accessories

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Repair workshop

Bike hire and sales shop, mountain bikes in Ax-les-Thermes

Address: 8 Av. Théophile Delcassé, Ax-les-Thermes
Tel: 05 61 02 96 70
Mail : axlesthermes@joebike.fr

Location : Adult Dh and Enduro mountain bikes / Junior enduro mountain bikes / Adult electric mountain bikes / Junior electric mountain bikes / Children's trailer



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Guided walks / Supervision

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Textiles and accessories

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Repair workshop

Mountain bike, electric bike, DH, Enduro rental agency in Lamongie

Address: Esp. du Pic d'Espade, 65200 Bagnères de Bigorre
Tel: 05 62 40 09 00
Mail : intersportpicdumidi@gmail.com
IN SEASON : 7 days a week from 9am to 7pm non-stop



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Guided walks / Supervision

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Textiles and accessories

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Repair workshop

Rental and sale of bicycles and mountain bikes in Barèges

Address: 44 rue ramond, Rte de Tournaboup, 65120 Barèges
Tel: 05 62 92 65 00

Rental : Adult Dh and Enduro mountain bikes / Junior Enduro mountain bikes / Adult electric mountain bikes / Electric mountain bikes
juniors / Children's trailer:



bike ride

Guided walks / Supervision

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Textiles and accessories

Bike repair icon

Repair workshop

Bike, mountain bike and electric bike hire agency in Anglet

Address: 114 Avenue de l'Adour 64600 Anglet
Tel: 05 59 55 34 51
Mail : paysbasque@joebike.fr
All year round :  - Monday to Saturday, 9.30am to 12pm and 2pm to 7pm
IN SEASON :  7 days a week from 9.30am to 12pm and from 2pm to 7pm

On the banks of the Adour and Anglet's cycle paths Joe Bike Anglet is both a
a bike hire agency, a repair workshop and a bike shop. A
for your cycling holidays in the Basque Country, where you will find a wide range of
wide choice of electric bikes!
See our dedicated page: Bike hire Anglet



bike ride

Guided walks / Supervision

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Repair workshop

Bike, mountain bike and electric bike hire agency in Hendaye

Address: 1 rue des Orangers 64700 Hendaye
Tel: 09 67 88 95 31
Mail : paysbasque@joebike.fr
IN SEASON : 7 days a week from 9.30am to 12pm and from 2pm to 7pm

Joe Bike Hendaye specialises in bike hire. A must for your cycling holidays in the Basque Country! You'll also find a repair workshop.
See our dedicated page: Bike hire Hendaye



Bike repair icon

Repair workshop

Mountainbike and mtb hire shop in hossegor

Address: Allée des Pins Tranquilles 40150 Hossegor
Tel: 05 58 41 91 81
Mail : contact@joebike.fr

Saturday, Sunday, Monday: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Closed on Wednesday 
MAY BRIDGES from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
IN SEASON : 7 days a week from 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 7 p.m.

There's nothing like hiring a bike from Joe Bike Hossegor Centre to enjoy a ride around town or discover the legendary Central Beach and its wide stretches of sand.
See our dedicated page: Bike hire Hossegor

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Bike delivery